I love your subbing, but its like you go outa your way to make the website horrible. The clouds along with the white font make everything damn near un-readable, and your stretching farther and farther for fake episode titles to the point where your front pages look like complete gibberish now. Take a step back, cool it on the antics, and just focus on making good subs!
Every youtube video here/remix/stuipd ass Miku song or whatever is all johnny_dickpants’ doing. He rules the website and makes all the posts. I have NO CONTROL WHATSOEVER of the videos he chooses to post. I wish I did, I would post some better stuff. But i’m always DENIED.
◕ ω ◕
fuck yeah you guys are legendary
inb4 eta for next epispde
◕ ω ◕
Thanks for this.
.. And how are those BD’s coming along for S1 ?
>36 hours of translating, editing, and typesetting later.
It’s your own translation? I thought there was a simulcast?
It’s “simulcast” on sunday night.
It’s the same situation as the Basara “simul”cast.
Will you release the season 1 BD’s?
They’re being Daized
And have been bloatgirled around a month ago?
You guys are awesome!
all i can say is
You. Are. Amazing!
that is all.
p.s Thanks for the hard work!
fucking AAAWWWEEESSSOOOMMMEEE! Love this show, thanks so much for subbing it! LOVE YOU GUYS! HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND!
You are legends.
Nice! Thanks~
I hope Commie is aware of the timing problems in this. Can we expect a v2?
I’m aware of the problems and I’m pretty mad right now.
We will have to sort out what went wrong in the first place.
Man you guys are at your sixth show… that’s fucking Awesome p.s keep up the good work :D
Why does it freeze at 2:31?
The font apparently makes computers hate life.
What was with the “Benjamins” bit?
What the fuck is a Benjamin?
Is it some kinda slang for money?
Benjamins are American $100 bills.
thx for doing this
THANK YOU! THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH! My spring season is saved!
inb4delaysbecauseyoucommittedto toomanyanimethisseasoneventhoughi’mgreatfulfor’em.
Most (?) of them are with CR’s subs, so Megucas won’t be suffering so much.
I love your subbing, but its like you go outa your way to make the website horrible. The clouds along with the white font make everything damn near un-readable, and your stretching farther and farther for fake episode titles to the point where your front pages look like complete gibberish now. Take a step back, cool it on the antics, and just focus on making good subs!
>using Nura theme
Doing it wrong, son.
You’ve forgot about Card’s autoplay techno/dubstep/electro jpop/anisong yt remixes :]
Every youtube video here/remix/stuipd ass Miku song or whatever is all johnny_dickpants’ doing. He rules the website and makes all the posts. I have NO CONTROL WHATSOEVER of the videos he chooses to post. I wish I did, I would post some better stuff. But i’m always DENIED.
Oh, mistaken leecher is mistaken then.
Er.. except for all the posts made by other people.
I don’t run shit, yo.
Why did you refer to Kanako’s parents as if they were dead? I don’t remember it being mentioned anywhere that they died
>>>>Dear mother up in heaven.
Does that not give you enough information?
That’s only her mother tho.
On the other side, I’m at S1E05, so I might be talking out of my arse.
“Mother up in heaven” is the Virgin Mary.
It’s fairly basic in Christianity: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heavenly_Mother#Christianity
In this show it’s also her mother. Even more because she isn’t Christian (like, for example, she didn’t have a clue what rosery is).
Also, it’s common phrase for this type of chara cliche (early deceased mother/parent), Fujioka Haruhi been using it in first few episodes too.
Her mother is dead, thus Dear Mother in Heaven.
I’m pretty sure Kanako’s mother is definitely dead, but her father is alive.
Why did you refer to Kanako’s parents as if they were dead? I don’t remember it being mentioned anywhere that they died
Thanks for subbing this guys. Keep up the good work
For a second I thought this was going to be Denpa Onna, then I realized it doesn’t come out till later this month.
Maria is fine too