The Lord of The Subs: The Return of Lord Aethon
aka TLoTS: TRoLA
Do you see the anagram? >>>> AT LoTS TRoL
Anyway we’ll probably be able to catch up on some shows now.
In other news Tiggerz popped up but “tiggerz was last seen here 2 days, 14 hours, 36 minutes ago.” again…
Posted by fake admin under Releases | Permalink
LotLH please :).
Give this man what he desires.
I admit it, i downloaded Derp subs, cause i couldn’t wait any longer ;_; Commie’s releases are better though, imo. Derps’ ep 9 had a 0.5 sec (or less)audio-video lag, which irritated the living shit out of me.
Thanks for Asobi =D
You should embed this video in the starting post:
Mind blown.
What happened to shiki o.O
On another note…
Have not seen senba2 ep.07 yet…
Wonder why…? ( >_> )
Cause you haven’t downloaded it ?
I meant to say…
… Commie’s version to be exact…
I’ve phrased mine earlier comment wrong… Goumen~ne…
Seen it RAW & two other group’s subs…
Can’t really say much till I view commie’s release…
I just sent 10 bucks. You better donate too MoFos.
at first i was like ” -__- ” when seeing I though title said the return of LOTH subs are out(selective reading), now i’m like ” ;__; “. thanks again commie’s. sadfrog.jpg
I’m still following your release!! gambatte ne to catch, waiting for it ^______^