Tiger & Bunny 10 NO IT’S 11 WHY DO I SUCK AT NUMBERS
<&jdp> lol
<&jdp> villains’ names
<&jdp> “jake martinez”
<&jdp> “hans chuckman”
<&jdp> and “kriem”
<&jdp> yeah…
<&KKRais> I had them tagged as ali al-saachez, woodchuck and creampie when I was dicking around in aegisub earlier<&jdp> whoa shit, a semicolon
<&jdp> getting pretentious
Here have some animu.
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Steins next soonish maybe I hope.
Posted by jdp under Releases | Permalink
Can’t stop laughing at Ali al-Saachez and Creampie. Keiji Fujiwara seems to be getting typecast as the psycho villain in recent years.
Great, another tiger n bunny. Thanks a lot Commie guys. 1 eps left
What? No. Tiger & Bunny is 25 episodes! Rejoice!
This was probably the slowest ep to date, but I guess the next will have more stuff happening.
I agree with Reiko. I felt like just going to bake a cake or something. Bunny and Tiger bonding on the terrace sorta made up for it. XD
Cut that out.
is it possible that Maverick and Legend are related?
Danks for de animu O_O
Dialogue: 0,0:17:45.08,0:17:50.34,Default,Maverick,0000,0000,0000,,{\i1}As you all know, Sternbild is in held in the grip of a terrorist attack.{\i0}
What is this I don’t even.
What’s wrong with it? (serious). I’ll fix that shit in a heartbeat.
I can’t parse that sentence at all. Shouldn’t it be “is held in” or “is being held in” instead of “is in held in”?
The first “in” is a typo.
It’s supposed to be “Sternbild is held in the grip of a terrorist attack.”
i.e. “gripped by”
Oh. Derp. Never even saw that. Fixed.