Deadman is delayed for the second week in a row because herp derp capper didn’t cap it again.
Tiger might be delayed.
EDIT: it’s X-Men 10, I’m a retard.
Comments about delayed anime increase their delay.
Posted by jdp under Releases | Permalink
Not sure on the appropriate place to ask this but I was wondering what anime the “Tenshi” theme is from. I quite like the art style, sorta reminded me of the art style of Full Metal Panic.
“Angel Beats!”, TK theme is based on the same anime.
I see, thank you.
But when we bitch enough we might get a deadmean wonderland skin and a funny youtube video. I think it’s worth a try.
No, you won’t.
You want funny YouTube videos? Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSQr_K-xrYg
Thanks for X-men, patiently awaiting Tiger, Steins, and so on.
Yup, waiting for Steins;Gate. =)