X-Men 11
I really really love how when it’s time to work on Tiger and Deadman everyone just fucking vanishes. But when it’s time to work on Lotte? Shit, gotta get that out in 2 hours.
Thanks, guys. Really.
But enough of this passive-aggressive whining, here’s some animu.
Posted by jdp under Releases | Permalink
I’ve been bitching about this for weeks. :|
Will commike do the blu-ray of maria holic? :P
I know that feel. ( ´_ゝ`)
TWGOK where?
maybe dickpants, you should work with people who can be professional on the internet.
>On the internet
( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \
Awwh, not cool. :|
Thank you for X-heroes anyway, plus early thank you for Sponsor!Heroes and Deadman!Heroes.
What were you expecting? Lotte has pedobear’s seal of approval.
While only outcasts and renegades like me want to see Deadman Wonderlad.
So i ask you.
Since Lotte takes place in the “Beast Realm” I keep expecting pedobear to make a cameo appearance in the background…
Enough Loli rubbish please. Move on to the good stuff.
Commie is dropping the ball on so many series this season that they are just losing while obscure(but good) fansub groups are gaining a decent following
1) no we’re not
2) who are these “obscure(but good)” groups?
Then explain Maria Holic Alive. If you Commie hasn’t dropped the ball on that then I don’t know what is “dropping the ball”.
No, it’s being worked on. Maria is Tai’s show and he has more to do than just maria. Considering the MASSIVE FUCKTON of signs in the show, it’s understandable if he takes a while.
If by good you mean weeaboo-pandering, then yes, they are totally gaining a decent following.
Since when does watching anime make you a weeboo? I don’t want to be japanese. I don’t speak japanese. Ignorant dipsh**
Come on C-Men! Where’s my T&B? :(
That’s what I want to know, what the hell… :|
I appreciate the work you guys do and I don’t mind waiting for your quality releases. Keep up to good work.
since when do people care about lotte; just hurry with T&B please
you guys know that you can get the torrent for T&B and DMWL right right (yes the commie versions) They’re uploaded to nyaa.eu, but the posts for them havent been made yet
I was refreshing nyaa.eu all fucking day yesterday