
Superpower weekend

This post is going to be updated as we get stuff out.

First up is X-Men

Next, Deadman. RHE was playing Portal so blame him for the lateness. SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE

tor/ddl when/if RHE’s motherboard installation is successful SUCCESS

Up next: Deadman, T&B.

Maria 03 @ TS. You’ve got old intel friend.
Maria 04 @ TS?
Maria 05 @ ┐( ¯3¯)┌

Posted by jdp under Releases | Permalink

35 Responses to “Superpower weekend”

  1. Takeshi says:



  2. anon says:

    With the insane delays, is “website design” really the only thing you’re looking for…?


    • Positron says:

      Whatever we looked for, it wouldn’t change the fact that it can’t be helped.

  3. anon says:

    Jesus christ, guys. At least tell us a possible release date for Maria 3.

  4. Carl says:

    my stomach was making the rumblies only hands could satisfy

  5. Boss says:

    Ive given up on X-men its the worst out of the 3 marvel anime productions so far. Hell i bet when Blade come out it will be censored like hell.

  6. haswats says:

    So Maria dropped?

  7. ­­aso says:

    why do you bother doing so many shows? there are plenty of other good groups doing all of these:

    deadman wonderland
    denpa onna

    and because of this, the shows that nobody is doing (xmen, maria) all get delayed for weeks. what the fuck

    • airco says:



      >Good groups

      lol. Also, X-Men wasn’t delayed at all, it flat out didn’t air last week.
      As for Maria, you got me. ヽ(´ー` )ノ

    • bob says:

      look into an emtpy room. so many people care.

  8. ­­aso says:

    why do you bother doing so many shows? there are plenty of other good groups doing all of these:

    deadman wonderland
    denpa onna

    and because of this, the shows that nobody is doing (xmen, maria) all get delayed for weeks. what the fuck

  9. erejnion says:

    >You’ve got old intel friend.

    >Maria SOON


  10. Kairxa says:


  11. Rosio says:

    >Deadman Wonderland 04

    Finally a fast release!! Even faster than umee. I’m genuinely impressed :D

  12. B3hind4ll says:

    Delayed shows mean i have to watch more My Little Pony. Thanks. I now am a sad Human.

  13. Cream says:

    maria who??
    nobody cares.

    just give us the batch,and everyone will be happy.


  14. snipera39 says:

    Please release Maria soon

  15. mng says:

    good stuff…i don’t mind the wait as long as the quality is great…and thumbs up for commie :)

  16. mng says:

    btw, i just watched deadman wonderland and around 16.32 and 16.41 the video has some problem. maybe its just me.

    • tomS says:

      I have the same problems, I use coreavc, i’ll see if the problem exists with ffdshow as well.

  17. Fredrik says:

    Will you manage to get Tiger and Bunny out today?

  18. Kiwi says:

    Thanks a bunch for T&B you guys!

  19. Rein says:

    Thaannks for TnB! :D

  20. Shawn263241 says:

    The download button for the torrent at NyanTorrents seems to be missing…

  21. Geisha says:

    Man, all those harddrives, Man.