Bantorra 09
OK, BS11 has more actual content (preview and ads) and cleaner lines, but it blurred the crap outta the details, so we are looking for someone who can cap and upload .ts raws from ANIMAX. Please PM cryptw on Rizon.
Posted by fake admin under Red Army Parades | Permalink | 2 Comments »Letter Bee 09
1) We need an ANIMAX capper so that we can release Book of Bantorra with the proper quality and speed. Please PM cryptw on Rizon if you are or know one.
2) Watching fantasy animu is like watching someone play an RPG (yes, contrary to SOMEONE’S beliefs, I do actually watch the anime that I encode (except White Album and 11eyes))
3) WTF. Letter Bee has covered three, yes, that’s right, three, major, but short, plot points in nine episodes. Even Pokemon covers one plot point an episode (IIRC from 10 years ago). So far it’s covered:
- Delivering Lag
- Lag becoming a Bee
- Discovering Gauche is most likely dead (that wasn’t a spoiler since they’ve already been mentioning it since like… what? 3 episodes ago?)
4) And just to re-iterate, we need an ANIMAX capper. Please PM cryptw on Rizon if you are or know one. We had to use BS11 this week, which has inferior video quality in this instance, due to lol PD not being in a good mood.
5) We won’t be adding any stuff to the bot until I am done with server migrations (probably Monday or Tuesday).
Posted by fake admin under Defend the Motherland, Red Army Parades | Permalink | Comments Off on Letter Bee 09Akinaichuu/Open for Business Pun
Here’s how our TL for the OP/ED explains it:
[28/11 22:37:56] I don’t think I have ever seen Arashi 2 subtitle joke explained
[28/11 22:38:19] It’s actually written 春夏冬中 with given reading “akinai chuu”
[28/11 22:38:29] first three kanji are “spring”, “summer” and “winter”
[28/11 22:38:31] with no autumn
[28/11 22:38:35] autumn would be “aki”
[28/11 22:38:40] no autumn = “aki nai”
[28/11 22:38:49] akinai means “business”, obviously
Akinaichuu! 07v2
Changed some stuff.
Most of by blogging will be done directly on TokyoTosho from now on, since I make enough releases to actually get across anything I need to.
But I forgot to mention this:
PD has become shit again and we don’t have an ANIMAX capper, so Book of Bantorra is delayed.
On that note, if anyone knows someone that can cap .ts raws from ANIMAX, please PM cryptw on Rizon.
Posted by fake admin under Defend the Motherland, Red Army Parades | Permalink | Comments Off on Akinaichuu! 07v2Akikan! OVA
A few notes.
COMPLETELY soft subbed.
Translation from TSSMA.
MASSIVE editing by me.
OP from CoalGuys.
ED from Commie’s translator.
If you want to see the original hard subbed moonrunes in the ED, disable subtitles. I covered them up for the ultimate smooth localised viewing experience.
Posted by fake admin under Red Army Parades, Releases | Permalink | 9 Comments »