
Haikyuu!! To The Top BD Volume 2

1080p | 720p

Posted by herkz under Blue Menace, Haikyuu!!, Releases | Permalink | 2 Comments »

Summer Time Rendering 07


Another great episode.

Posted by herkz under Releases, Summer Time Rendering | Permalink | 1 Comment »

Ghost in the Shell SAC_2045 Cour 2 Batch

Torrent | Patches

The patches add the OP and ED to every episode. If you’re wondering what took so long, the TV-size version of the OP has a few lines that don’t appear in the full version of the song and thus don’t appear in the official lyrics. I was hoping someone would upload the scans because maybe they contain the lyrics for the TV-size version, but that never happened as far as I can tell. So instead I just did my best guess at those lines, which is a bit challenging since the song is in English with questionable pronunciation and nothing I heard really made much sense. I figured it was still worth subbing the OP though since most of the lines do have official lyrics. Hopefully this will be resolved when/if I sub the BDs.

Posted by herkz under Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045, Releases | Permalink | 7 Comments »

Space Dandy BD Volume 7


Episode 17 was the last episode that ever had any work done on it back when this originally aired, so the rest of the episodes will take a bit longer than usual to release since I actually have to edit them and stuff.

Posted by herkz under Blue Menace, Releases, Space Dandy | Permalink | Comments Off on Space Dandy BD Volume 7

Summer Time Rendering 06


Now that someone more reliable is ripping the official subs, hopefully this can be consistently released on Wednesdays.

Posted by herkz under Releases, Summer Time Rendering | Permalink | 3 Comments »