Donation goal met
Well this was a great success. We’ve got enough cash to cover ~2 months of server payments.
Full speed ahead!
Note: You can still donate, and that will go to future server payments. None of that “we have enough donations go away please” because honestly, if you really want to donate, why would I stop you. We’re all poor college students anyways.
Posted by RHExcelion under Defend the Motherland, Red Army Parades | Permalink | 6 Comments »$15 more
* PayPal balance: $114.27 USD
100 euros = 129.9700 US dollars
We’re almost there, would anyone like to fund the final gap?
Also, do note that this includes the server’s setup fee. After this first payment each monthly payment is 50 euros.
Attention-getter has moved deleted.
Edit: Goal probably reached. So taking down these donation posts.
Posted by RHExcelion under Defend the Motherland, Red Army Parades | Permalink | 15 Comments »New IRC Channel
Our new channel is at #[email protected] because a certain immature now retired fansubber keeps dicking around with the old one. Please update accordingly.
Posted by RHExcelion under Defend the Motherland, International Politics, Red Army Parades, Releases | Permalink | 15 Comments »Oh Hi There
** Note: This post is stickied, scroll down to see our latest releases.
** Edit: The ads have been removed for now. They were giving some people problems and people seem to be willing to donate anyways. Thanks for your support.
TL;DR at bottom.
As you’ve probably noticed, we’ve slowed down considerably over these past few days at releasing new shows. Although many of you have the urge to call us lazy bastards, this is not entirely the case.
As you probably already know (or should), the former leader of the group, cryptw, has decided to quit fansubbing. While he was leader everything fine and dandy, as he funded our servers from his personal coffers. Now that he’s gone—
LONG STORY SHORT we really need an i7 box with 100mbit unmetered internet, and those cost at least 72 euros a month. (Do tell us if you can find cheaper.)
To somehow meet this goal, we have put up ADS (No, not AIDS, but close) at the top of this page. Can’t see them? Then please turn Adblock off. At least for this site. If everyone obliged, we would make ~$100 a month. Enough for the server.
Except really I doubt that all of you will oblige to turn off Adblock. Which is why there are now very cheesy lovely donations pictures on the right there.
Turn Adblock off.
No can do?
EDIT: Okay these ads are fucking annoying with these redirects, we’re trying to do something about that. DONE
EDIT 2: If you know any better ad providers/would like to host ads throw us a message!
EDIT 3: If you’d like to be credited in some way (on the site, one of our episodes, a TT comment, whatever) leave a message here with how much you donated and I’ll pull some strings.
EDIT 4: This comment deserves special recognition:
LONG STORY SHORT we really need an i7 box with 100mbit unmetered internet
I’m sorry but this is complete and utter bullshit. Fansubbing existed long before cheap dedicated servers and 100mbit internet, most of us worked out just fine with our home PCs and shitty internet.
tl;dr goddamn kids, get off my lawn
Yeah, not to mention “speedsubs” took about a week to release and leechers loved them for it. We delay things for 2 days and cutthroats are at our neck. Quote: “If you can’t release within 8 hours of airing you might as well drop the show”. Oh yeah those XDCC speeds back in the old days were glorious too.
TL;DR I’m probably older than you.
Posted by RHExcelion under Defend the Motherland, Red Army Parades | Permalink | 86 Comments »Recruiting!
Got too much time on your hands? Enjoy simple, monotonous work? Is your E-PEEN easily fulfilled by watching works that you release onto the Internet consumed by the thousands? Got at least a cursory knowledge of Aegisub?
Then look no further! CommieSubs is proud to announce that we are indeed recruiting more timers (and typesetters)! Apply here, or, for expedited application acceptances, apply on our IRC channel, at #[email protected] ~!
What’s that, you say? You possess none of the above? Well, never fear! Commie is also looking for fabulously overpowered multicore computers and equally fabulously speedy internet connections alongside them, for the express purposes of encoding our videos! You might even learn to encode! *To clarify: something along the lines of a quadcore, graphics cards don’t matter, and internet speeds in excess of 1mbps/~500kbps. We’ll also need to be able to use it for at hour+ stretches around the clock.
Apply now! And stay fabulous!
Posted by aethon under Defend the Motherland | Permalink | 49 Comments »