
Official 10bit Notice

Remember this post?

Well the time has come; Both CCCP and CoreAVC now support 10bit.

Playback: (Note that you only need one of these, not all, to play 10bit)
CoreAVC 3.0.1 (fixes a few things)
LAV Video

We won’t be labeling anything specifically as 10bit, because since when did we label anything anyways. Also if we did label anything it would be [10bit] and not [Hi10P] because Hi10P sounds retarded as fuck.

I suggest everyone should read some research papers about hi10p at http://x264.nl/x264/ (Atm those last 3 .pdf’s at the bottom) before posting in this post in order to avoid embarrassing yourselves on teh internetz.

Arnavion edit:
Holy shit 500+ comments and it’s the same discussion over and over and FUCKING OVER again. Jesus H Christ do you know how annoying it is to go through butthurt after asspained butthurt comment and approve them all? Comments are FUCKING closed.

Posted by RHExcelion under International Politics, Releases | Permalink

503 Responses to “Official 10bit Notice”

  1. mascthemoney says:

    betsuni i didnt upgrade cccp just for you guys, okay? dont get it wrong… i just wanted to, OKAY? commie no baka. tsun!

  2. Homerun-chan says:

    Bring it on!

  3. X says:

    Insert something about Slowpoke here.

  4. bautrey says:

    Cool. So next season will be all in 10bit?

  5. Petrushka says:

    my body is ready, yeah!

  6. G. says:

    Thanks for the heads-up. One question: will you be switching to 10-bit midway for existing projects?
    (I didn’t see mention of it in the linked post, so if it was covered elsewhere I apologize.)

  7. tormaid says:

    Actually, Core AVC 3.0 is broken .

    • Animefan says:

      And having many posts of errors and problems within its FIRST DAY…..

      Doesn’t look stable to me at all

      • ulzeraj says:

        “Software is full of bugs in the first day so it must be shit hurr durr”.

        They already released many fixes.

  8. Peebs says:

    Dumb question: Do I have to upgrade CoreAVC too? I upgraded CCCP last month.

  9. Anon says:

    >CoreAVC now supports 10bit.


  10. raxa says:

    You can’t really say that CoreAVC 3.0 supports 10bit as it’s broken/buggy as h*ll.

  11. Sv says:

    I use
    works fine

  12. tormaid says:

    I say drop 480p too, trololololo.

  13. nINJAkECIL says:

    Now, it’s just a matter of time that we’ll have HW DXVA in Hi10P.

    I don’t like seeing Task Manager Man dancing around.

  14. random says:

    CoreAVC 3.0 is way too buggy. I’m just going to stick with madVR for now.

  15. Nitroflow says:

    Time to switch fansubs!

  16. Homerun-chan says:

    If you want Hi10P DXVA then keep dreaming.

  17. Mr.GiggleNutz says:

    What does the new 10-bit format get applied to exactly? I haven’t followed encoding standards for over ten years (ya I’m old) so I’m not following….. To me this is kinda like saying “we are applying green to the new Mustang”.

  18. FuuYuu says:

    Fucktards does this shit work under Linux? Not everyone watches you releases on a Windows box.

    And yes I have donated in the past.

  19. guibin says:

    so what now? we have to get this to watch your releases now?

  20. Larnu says:

    Looks cool, but gunna be a bit in the pain in the head. For some reason ever since I upgraded to the latest CCCP, Media Player Classic plays videos with the subs in a stupidly HUGE size in full screen mode, and out of it they’re still pretty big. Can’t figure out how to stop that (any ideas will be greatly appreciated).

    As a result, I watch non Hi10P on WMP, which is fine, apart from that WMP has been unstable for me lately (not a coding issue, it crashes on loadup of files sometimes, including MP3s). But WMP doesn’t play Hi10P files at all, it’ll load, and then nothing.

    If anyone can give some useful info on how to fix these I’ll be extremely grateful, I don’t really wanna watch anime with subs taking up 30% of the screen >_<

  21. GeeGeez says:


    I’m not sure whether it’s you guys or Underwater that does the encoding for Nichijou, so do you know if that’ll be 10-bit, too?

  22. jesper says:


    You may have killed Daiz, but you can’t stop the future.

  23. fajar says:

    use pot player for palying 10bit….


    and i recommending it to you all to install the update too…just latest will do fine.

  24. Heavyoak says:


    QUALITY just became quality?

    I mean, your stuff from before was good and clean, easy to read words and stuff.

    whats the difference, other than the file size?

  25. Kinjou says:

    So 10bit is there, and where is the certain chinese cartoon?

  26. TP says:

    Understandably, a lot of people will be having headaches with this piece of news.

    The major advantage of this is Australian, Southeast Asian and other countries that impose bandwidth limitation on huge files. If h10p can reduce filesize while delivering the same quality, these guys will be most likely to kiss whoever sits at Commie-sub’s feet for delivering so.

    Time to man up, gentlemen.

  27. Shinn says:

    umm the cccp is from july and I’m very sure I already tried playing a 10bit file and it didn’t work at all.
    Do I have to update CoreAVC seperately or did the group that released the 10bit file just suck?

    • Positron says:

      You have to update CoreAVC to 3.0 separately if you use it, obviously. Otherwise the July CCCP is perfectly able to decode 10bit (and is apparently better than CoreAVC 3.0 at the moment). Uninstall everything playback-related and install CCCP from scratch if all else fails.

    • RHExcelion says:

      Just uninstall coreavc unless you absolutely need it

  28. Sword of Retribution says:


  29. derp says:

    >yfw anime brought the future

    Anime in Hi10p while mainstream movies are still in .avi
    Hell yeah. Now we just need to spread it in every corner of the internet

  30. Zrat says:

    10 bit is the future yes but I think that Hi10 support is still too young.

    Yeah the quality and the filesize are good.

    But it is a pain when we use players with internal codecs, HTPC which relies on hardware acceleration and smartphones.

    A Galaxy SII can eat H264 1080p High Profile with bitrates of 18Mbits/s, I use it everyday when I go to work but of course it doesn’t have Hi10 support :/

    • Anonymous says:

      I have to agree with this. I hope they’ll at least continue with the 480p encodes using more standard encoding for the sake of things like this. I have an Archos 43 “Internet Tablet” (basically a PDA running Android with a great resolution for its size) that’s an exceptionally capable PMP among other things but of course if it ever supports this it would only be via 100% software rendering and I doubt it would handle it well at all even with CPU optimizations (as with MoboPlayer for instance.)

      I think that, as unfortunate as it may be, it’s unlikely that embedded devices will be supporting this very well in the near future and just to be clear, “embedded” doesn’t necessarily mean a toy. I find that this Archos 43 makes for an excellent way to watch shows not just on the go, but sometimes even at home. I was so happy with it because I could just watch shows as-is (it even handles soft-subs in containers like Matroska perfectly! No need for me to reencode even to put subtitles in the videos.) It sort of defeats the purpose of portability if you have to reencode everything before you can actually watch it IMO. Unless you have a really fast system, you pretty much could just be watching instead of encoding…

      BTW, how many HTPCs really NEED hardware encoding all that badly? I built an extremely minimalist PC a while back designed to be as cheap as possible and it ran up to around $220 or so. Even with a cheap low end single core processor it seems to be able to handle 1080p videos just fine in software. I haven’t tested 10-bit videos on it yet though. Basically they just need to have a modern processor and they should be fine with normal 1080p H.264 probably. I can’t say about 10-bit yet though until I’ve had more time to test it.

      • RHExcelion says:

        My Atrix got a software update recently that let it play mkvs softsubbed with hardware decoding. Trust me I’m rather sad that I can’t use it any more too, but this is why I’ve always looked for a windows tablet. And another thing, it’s not perfect softsub rendering. None of the .ass effects are there, and you have to set your own font.

        It’s not hard to make an avs script with ffvideosource and x264 –preset veryfast –profile main –tune animation –crf 18 -o whatever.mp4 to make a PMP compatible encode.

        • War3333 says:

          I have done that for a long time for any H264 content until I bought an HTPC with hardware acceleration.
          720p software is not an option for my HTPC at this time.
          Sorry but i have to leave you thanks for the great work.

  31. Fag It says:

    What’s good for the group is good for the individual.

  32. alex says:

    so you don’t find that ffdshow plays back 10bit with incorrect chroma values, or that x264 encodes with wrong chroma values? not to mention that Lav Video uses the same incorrect algorithm as ffdshow. madVR is correct but different from ffdshow, creating conflicting output. and since x264 is wrong, it makes madVR look wrong. coreAVC plays it but terribly and isn’t really an option, at least until the next bugfix release. I have no idea what mplayer2 does; going to assume it’s the same as madVR. DiAVC also doesn’t support 10bit yet (not that anyone knows what that is).

    I’m not seeing why you’re in such a rush to adopt this. Not a single thing about it is finalized yet. Heck, it’ll be a few weeks before x264 is fixed, let alone all the different filters.

    In light of this, I’d like to ask for you to wait slightly longer.

    Not that you’ll listen, but w/e

    • RHExcelion says:

      It’s still a few weeks before fall season actually starts, busou shinki just happened to preair.

  33. fran says:

    I think that 10bits is a great plus, but sadly is a CPU eater, so the masses are out. You should release a 8bits alternative versions, to the other 50% (or more) of people tha can not play Hi10p, if you care…. otherwise your downloads wll decrease, again, if you care…

    I tell this, in a constructive way (a fan way), and excuse my grammar, rarely i write in english (the cartel crosses frontiers and continets you know?).

    • RHExcelion says:

      You seriously need to upgrade if your cpu can’t handle 10bit 720p.

      • fran says:

        Well yeah, and i like to do (maybe as a xmas autogift). But you can not pretend that everyone have a 2008+ systems. I have made some tests in 2005-2008 systems (core 2 duo, dual cores, pentiums 4 (fastests ones 3.2ghz), and the only one that play 10bit without problems are the core2duos. So any standard system of 2007 or old, are out of the party.
        I am OK with Hi10p be the new standard, but ignore the other profiles is no right (i think). The transission must be and option, not forced.

      • john says:

        or you can stop being a pirate.

  34. sekitx2 says:

    And if use a Mac? Any options (NVIDIA card for one; CCCP is PC …)?? OR I go back to being screwed.

  35. MelzHelz says:


  36. Hurvilo says:

    Question: can the PS3 media server handle 10bit? If not, I guess I have to look elsewhere for my releases…

  37. Doogie says:

    Can someone give me a brief idea of what 10bit is, and how this will help my animu? I’ve googled but I’m not sure what to look for exactly.

  38. Break says:

    i usually use teh splayer, anyone know if it supports 10-bit? because ive taken quite a liking to it, its really useful for watching subbed shows..

  39. yaaaa says:

    you should still label the file, it’s a whopping 4-5 characters added into the file name. Plus since not everyone has gone 10bit yet, nice to know what is and isn’t during a season.

  40. Anon says:

    CoreAVC 3.0.1 is out. Anyone have it yet?

    • RHExcelion says:

      Updated link.

      • Anon says:

        Fancy karaoke seems to still have problems with this release (blinking, but maybe it’s just me). The blocking and chroma issues seem to have been fixed from the prior release

        • Blink says:

          Same problem over here with mplayer. Seems like a problem with resolutions from 720p and up for me so players may need tweaking.

          • Blink says:

            I’ve read somewhere that it might also be related to DXVA being on while playing as I’m mostly reliant on my GPU when watching 1080p mostly. So, if you have a beefy core, I think it’s worth a shot to turn off DXVA if you use it.

        • RHExcelion says:

          Turn off subpicture prebuffering

  41. stevey says:

    my problem is I re-encode files for my devices so I can watch them when I journey to work and back. There is currently no support for Hi10 with the conversion software. I am still looking but every time I try to re-encode it it comes out badly pixelated or a grey screen. So yeah … poo!

  42. Litho says:

    Ah great, now I gotta download mplayer2 or pull from git…. and I was trying to keep this particular comp locked to stable sources only…. thanx a lot, fucktards!! >_>

    • Litho says:

      Hmm, the Stein’s:Gate NCED [10bit] thingy plays fine on my ArchLinux box, but average CPU load is a frickin 20-25% … haven’t tested on the Debian box yet.

      I’m sure you fags will fuck up sooner or later, though. =P

      • RHExcelion says:

        Why are you complaining about 20-25%

      • anon says:

        Either you have a single-core, where this almost barely qualifies as mattering (and you should get a new CPU), or a multi-core and that 20-25% is just the load per core added up across multiple cores (this is how Linux tools normally specifies CPU usage) and you shouldn’t be worrying (because your maximum is at 200%/400%/whathaveyou).

  43. alex says:

    I would toss lav video into that list of filters you have up there. in my testing, it’s the fastest option currently. madvr is pretty quick too, but you have to use madvr as a renderer to use it, so the speed boost is kind of moot.

    I was going to say something about it being illegal for you to have coreavc up there with the link, but then I remembered where I was.

  44. naji says:

    I’m still confused. As I read it I don’t have to use a different player.
    I installed cccp only, but 10bit files don’t play in my usual player and VLC only plays the sound and just shows a green screen. Same with CoreAVC.

    Not playing at all shouldn’t come down to the hardware, which I think is good enough to play 10bit.

    So wth? Using Win7 btw

    • RHExcelion says:

      You need to use the player that came with CCCP (MPC-HC) obviously.

      • naji says:

        Hmm I dont think so. Friend has the same setup (cccp, win7) and it works with all players. Guess I’ll try reinstalling again

      • erejnion says:

        or, alternatively, you can get the vlc beta, but I wouldn’t recommend that.

        btw hooray for 10bit.

      • G. says:

        I assume that MPC-HC build from CCCP has been tweaked? I’m getting banding/etc. with the official build when testing with your S;G ED. Can the latter be futzed with to make it work, or will I have to wait for new MPC-HC build (or get from CCCP)?

  45. My Required Name says:

    Holy shit, CoreAVC is working fine with MPC.


    • ulzeraj says:

      Second that. I’ve tested with Coalgirls Yuru Yuri release abd the SG ED. Image is perfect with slower than expected CPU usage.

  46. john says:

    elitist scum.

  47. Fuuma says:

    Well I for one am stoked about this, because I am one of the people that is having no trouble with Hi10P.


  48. DmonHiro says:

    10bit works fone for me. So thanks for using it. If you can’t get it to work, you are an idiot. If you bitch about your stupid plastic toy, that’s your problem.

  49. BananowyJE says:

    10bit? Epic win. Waiting for Steins:Gate BD ver. in it. And better do not deceive me.

    The World